About Me
Nicky graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Science, Occupational Therapy from the University of Sydney in 1997. Additionally, she graduated with a Masters in Child Play Therapy from Deakin University in 2021.
Nicky is registered as an Occupational Therapist with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Nicky is a member of OT Australia and is a member of the Australasia Pacific Play Therapy Association (APPTA). She follows both professional societies' ethical guidelines in her approach.
Nicky has worked as an Occupational Therapist for 27 years in various areas ranging from Occupational Rehabilitation, hospital acute, sub-acute care, palliative care, health promotion, NDIS early years coordinator, and paediatric intervention.
About Play Therapy will allow parents, schools, and other agencies to access their therapeutic needs privately or through NDIS or Medicare. Nicky is passionate about supporting young people to achieve their full developmental potential, optimal health, and overall well-being. Nicky has a holistic approach to working with a child and their family. When working with both, Nicky's primary focus is to maintain an open, playful and curious presence whilst establishing an authentic therapeutic relationship based on empathy, acceptance, and trust. Nicky is confident that children can heal through the therapeutic power of play.
As a therapist, Nicky feels she has an obligation to reflect and take action to improve the situations in which future generations of children connect, grow, and thrive. Nicky's mission is to advocate for communities that better enable children and young people to participate in safe and supportive environments and developmentally appropriate life situations.